Sunday, December 25, 2011

What is Imaginative Play and How Do You Plan It?

!±8± What is Imaginative Play and How Do You Plan It?

In imaginative play, your child pretends to be another person. This happens naturally during his play as he acts out situations for pure enjoyment.

As you think of planning suitable imaginative play for your child, you should think about how he needs to be encouraged to communicate such as...

Listening Looking...understanding what is being communicated through body language, such as the nod of the head or a smile Talking...being talked to and talking with you or other people Writing and drawing - provide examples of signs, marks etc. Provision of paper and pencils will encourage him to communicate by putting marks on paper.
Examples of Child-Led Imaginative Play

Books and stories Sand and water play Painting and drawing Play dough Small world play such as play Mobil or lego Puppets or dolls

** A hat is one of the most essential parts of an imaginative play. By offering your child a box of variety of hats he will be able to role play many different characters. **

Creating a Home Corner to Encourage Imaginative Play

Resources that should be provided to reflect other cultures include...

Clothes and hats A range of cooking utensils Artefacts, such as furniture
Points to consider when setting up a Home Corner

Resources should reflect a multi-cultural society and help your child to recognise, understand and value the differences between them Explain the reasons for resources supplied so that he gets an understanding of them Provide dressing-up clothes that do not specify gender...for example a female police officer or a female fireman.
Safety of Equipment

You should make sure that all equipment provided is safe for your child to use. You should check it regularly before your allow him to use it and should be repaired or replaced when necessary. If possible all equipment should comply with the required safety standards.

Remember that...

Clothes should be kept on hangers and regularly cleaned and mended Equipment must be checked for rough or sharp edges Beads and necklaces should be safely strung and not made from materials such as seeds or glass that could be swallowed easily.
Children with Special Needs

Always consider a child with special needs when setting up an imaginative play area. A child in a wheelchair will need plenty of space, while a child with visual impairment may need textured and brightly coloured equipment.

What is Imaginative Play and How Do You Plan It?

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

How To Bottle Feed

from the website - Although most mums start off breastfeeding their new babies, it's not an option for everyone. A large number switch to bottle or formula feeding earlier than intended. Formula milk is usually based on cows milk, but there are many different types on the market, catering for a variety of needs, such as those who are lactose intolerant, of for parents who prefer a dairy-free solution such as soya milk. When you buy formula milk from chemists or supermarkets you'll see that the different types suited to the age of your baby. There are three main types of formula for babies under six months old : Whey based milks, marketed for babies from birth, with a higher whey content to replicate the ingredients in breast milk. Casein based milk, usually sold as being appropriate for hungrier babies Soya formula for babies who can't tolerate cows milk Discuss your choice of formula with your midwife or health visitor if you have any concerns. It's vital to remember that ordinary cows milk. Goats milk, condensed milk, dried milk, evaporated milk or any other type of milk should never be given to a baby under 12 months old. Formula milk comes in two main forms -- dried powder type, to which you add water, and ready to feed type, usually available in cartons. Always choose a recognised infant formula, fulfilling government regulations on its nutritional content. To get started on bottle feeding you'll need the following equipment : At least six bottles and ...

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Detailed Information On Food Allergies

!±8± Detailed Information On Food Allergies

Food is the edifice upon which our body nutrition is dependent. Imagine if one does not take food even for a day, how run-down and emaciated he would feel. At the same time food can also cause allergic reaction in many. A person may be allergic to more than one food item. In most of food related allergies, the patient is generally aware as to which food item has wrought the damage. Following food items are said to be potent causative factors in causing allergies to some persons, though not all.

Fish Allergy: Sea foods are known causes of allergy out of which fish allergy is the most common. Some people cannot stand foul smell of fish and even very sight of fish can cause allergy. Urticaria - formation of rashes in the skin is the common outcome, though some persons may vomit or nauseate. Persons, allergic to fish, should also avoid taking other sea foods also.

Egg Allergy: Here also white portion of egg and smell of egg is the usual cause of allergy. Reaction from egg allergy is, at times, to severe which may result in collapse and shock, or vomiting in some people.

Allergy from Milk and Milk products : Next to food allergies, milk allergy is a common cause of allergy. In infants allergy occurs when breast-milk is substituted by tinned milk, cow's or buffalo's milk This Allergy may manifest in the form of stomach upset, vomiting or even pain in abdomen. If milk is eliminated from an infant's food for a few days, and if he feels better than milk allergy can be easily established. In some people, condensed milk, whey, curd, cream, cheese etc may also cause allergy resulting in stomach upset and/or vomiting. If milk or any one of its products are triggering allergic reactions, it is wiser to eliminate such items from the diet.

Allergy from Vegetables and Fruits: Both vegetables and fruits form an essential part of daily. Allergy can be established when fruits or vegetables cause abdominal colic, flatulence, vomiting, nausea, urticaria, loose motions or constipation. In most of the cases, a patient is generally aware of the offending food item which has caused such upsets. Spinach, tomato, menthol, ginger, garlic, mangoes, oranges, potatoes may cause allergy in some of the patients. Some people have excessive saliva, soreness in the mouth, stomatitis, partial/complete loss or perversion of taste and their tongues may get reddened. Even some pulses, juices of fruits and vegetable, oral application of vegetable based creams, lotions, smell of touch of some food items (like ginger, onions, garlic etc) may be the causes of allergic reactions. Symptoms of food allergy may appear immediately or even several hours after the ingestion of offending food items.

At times, food allergies are quite short-lived, while in some cases reactions occur after some hours. Treatment should be directed towards elimination of offending food items which is a lengthy and painstaking process. In any case, identification of the offending food article is necessary failing which the patient may experience food generated allergies for years.

Detailed Information On Food Allergies

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Breast Milk Allergy Can Be Resolved With Homeopathy

!±8± Breast Milk Allergy Can Be Resolved With Homeopathy

It is becoming increasingly common for babies to suffer with breast milk allergy. How very sad that is, to reject your own mother's milk - the most nutritious and basic food substance for a baby. The normal way around this problem is to put your baby onto formula milk. This is milk that originates from another species such as cow, sometimes goat or sheep. How can a human baby fare better on the milk from another species?

The fact is, of course, that they don't. It's just that they appear to hold it down better, in some cases. Now, soy is becoming popular, too. But soy has its own problems, particularly infant abnormalities when used as a mother's milk replacement. What do you do - you have a baby who is reacting badly to your milk. You can't let your newborn starve. But, the alternative substitute milks are little better.

The problem lies elsewhere. Your baby is suffering from a serious imbalance to reject your milk, or to have a reaction to your milk. Such as a skin eruption or colic. The natural treatment of any health condition is best resolved by bringing the system back into balance. To have a breast milk allergy indicates a strong lack of balance.

Homeopathy is all about bringing back a state of balance and peace. The fastest way to resolve this problem is to consult with a professional homeopath, as there may be complications to the treatment. However, it is possible to do a lot of good with homeopathic home prescribing. Silica is a common homeopathic home prescribing medicine and is one of the main medicines for breast milk allergy and for lactose intolerance generally.

Breast Milk Allergy Can Be Resolved With Homeopathy

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Breast-Feed Your Infant to Decrease Their Likelihood For Allergies

!±8± Breast-Feed Your Infant to Decrease Their Likelihood For Allergies

One of the best ways to decrease the likelihood of developing allergies later in life, according to most alternative medicine practitioners, is to feed an infant mother's milk. Breast-feeding builds a strong immune system equipped to deal with infection, environmental toxins, and food allergens. Nursing contributes to the child having fewer allergies. If babies are given anything other than breast milk in the first few months of life, food sensitivities may develop. Their intestines are not meant to digest anything other than breast milk. The immature cells lining the intestines will allow foreign food particles to pass through undigested. These bits are antigenic [material that causes immune reactions] and may set up an allergenic or antibody response that the child will never outgrow.

A recent Finnish study revealed that breast-feeding in infancy lowered the risk of allergic symptoms by one-third in children by the age 17. In another study, high-risk (atopic) infants were less likely to develop allergic eczema if they were breast-fed for more than four months. In addition, a recent study published in the British Medical Journal reports that babies who are breast-fed during their first six months of life have a significantly lower risk of developing childhood asthma.

Human breast milk contains nutrients that are easily digested contribute to healthy brain development and growth, and provide immunity to infectious agents that the mother (and also the infant) will encounter in their environment. In building an infant's immune system, breast milk acts on many levels. It contains anti-inflammatory substances that infants cannot manufacture on their own; stimulates the production of IgA, which can neutralize a substance foreign to the body before it becomes an allergen; and populates the child's immature intestinal barrier with beneficial microflora, which blocks the growth of disease-causing bacteria. A protein called lactoferrin - which makes up 20% of the total protein in human colostrum (breast milk secreted immediately after delivery) - seems to have an inhibitory effect on "unfriendly" bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia colo, and Helicobacter pylori, all of which are increasingly identified as contributing to numerous health problems, including allergies. According to researchers at the Shanghai Institute for Pediatric Research in Shanghai, China, breast-fed, full-term children had healthier intestinal bacteria than formula-fed infants. Furthermore, their findings supported the claim that factors in breast milk prevent intestinal pathogens from developing.

Most researchers and medical experts have found that children who are breast-fed for at least six months or more experience greater health benefits and fewer episodes of common childhood illnesses, such as ear infections, than do children who are not breast-fed or are breast-fed for less than four months. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children be breast-fed for six to 12 months. The academy suggests that parents can begin to introduce age-specific solid to the child at age six months but the child should continue nursing for at least the first year of life.

If the mother has allergies or sensitivities, breast-feeding alone will not protect a newborn from developing allergies. Mothers can inadvertently pass food antigens and their associated antibodies to their children through nursing or even prior to birth through the wall of the placenta. Antibodies to cow's milk protein, a common trigger of atopic eczema, were detected in breast milk samples taken by German researchers in a study at the Universitats-Kinderklinik in Wien, Germany. The researchers found that infants produced the same type of antibodies to cow's milk that their mothers did even if the children's diet consisted solely of breast milk. But, the researchers found, if foods that trigger an immune response in the mother are avoided both during pregnancy and lactation, infants experience a lower incidence of sensitivity to cow's milk and thus a lower incidence of atopic eczema than infants whose mothers were on an unrestricted diet.

The most common allergy-producing foods are cow's milk, peanuts, eggs, wheat, soy, chicken, turkey, beef and pork. A study appearing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that exclusive breast-feeding and elimination of peanut, egg, fish, and dairy products from the mother's diet during lactation reduced the occurrence of food sensitivity in the infant. Doctors recommend that women predisposed to allergies discover what foods they are allergic to before pregnancy and eliminate them from their diet. They should then breast-feed their babies without consuming dairy products for a minimum of six months while still refraining from the foods they are allergic to. According to a French study, eliminating only cow's milk from the mother's diet did not result in reduced allergic episodes. Elimination of two to four foods, however, did prove sufficient.

Breast-Feed Your Infant to Decrease Their Likelihood For Allergies

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Digestive Enzymes - Why Everyone Should Take Them

!±8± Digestive Enzymes - Why Everyone Should Take Them

Digestive enzymes are essential for life all cells require enzymes to survive and function. Enzymes create chemical reactions in the body and are vital to the body's ability to correctly break down and process the food we eat. As a body ages, enzyme production decreases. Many people do not realize that not being able to eat spicy foods, dairy products, and food in general is a sign of enzyme deficiency. I have heard many people say, " Why can't I eat the same foods anymore ?" or " I can' t eat as much anymore. " The reason is enzyme deficiency. Further, they do not realize that a lack of enzymes can contribute to an increase in body pain and a lack of stamina as well as hindering the body's ability to heal a wound.

Enzyme deficiency occurs for many reasons including : poor diet, fast food, and excessive intake of fats and sugars. These "reasons" require excessive enzymes to break down the food in the body. The body gets tried of producing enzymes so fast. The digestion of food is a large drain on the body. Ideally, when you digest your food your body should break down what you eat into small, energy producing particles to fuel your body with what it needs to run. when there is a lack of enzymes, food doesn't really digest. Instead you get gas ,indigestion, and bloating. It may also drain and clog your system with hazardous by-products producing food allergies, yeast, bacteria, and other undesirable factors. Stress, environmental pollution, illness, and chemicals diminish the body's capacity to effectively produce enzymes.

Many researchers now view the aging process as nothing more than a severe enzyme deficiency that leaves the body unable to maintain optimal function, The aging process can actually be delayed by taking enzyme supplements.

Since Enzymes are a crucial function in the body, a deficiency can also lead to more serious illnesses or diseases.

Enzyme Deficiency Conditions are seen in people who suffer from:

Sugar Intolerance, Hypoglycemia, High cholesterol, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Chronic Fatigue, Diabetes, Arthritis, Obesity , Cancer, Decreased Mobility, Lowered Immunity, Ulcers.

Many people who experience the following illnesses have turned to medication for relief. These medicines may alleviate the symptoms but it does not solve the root of the problem, enzyme deficiency. A digestive enzymes deficiency can increase the likelihood that undigested food will enter the colon. which cause the formation of bacteria, gas, and toxins. Poor digestion can increase the undigested nutrient build up in the blood stream, which has been associated with : Burping, Gas, Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Diarrhea, Nausea, Constipation, Gurgles, Fatigue, Food Allergies, Cramping, Acid Reflux, Bloating, Water Retention and Acne..

I have found a product to replace the enzymes balance in the body safely and naturally, It is called digestive enzymes . This product is based from natural plants making it truly 100% natural.

Digestive enzymes contains several types of enzymes

Protease - to break down the protein in the body. This is VERY important to building and repairing muscles ( including the heart) Research has shown that swollen joints contain protein rich fluids which are the cause of the joint swelling. Protease can help people with arthritis and joint pain to break down the protein before it reaches the blood stream and settles into the joints. Protein build up in the body has also been associated to decreased libido, clogged arteries, and free radical damage.

Lipase - The fat digester ! A Lipase deficiency results in only a partial breakdown of fats which can cause the formation tryglycerides. The nasty tryglycerides bond together to form fat cells, and worse yet, they convert into Cholesterol which gets deposited in the arteries. However., fats are essential in creating a healthy body. Taking Digestive Enzymes can actually help to lower cholesterol and break down ingested fats into essential fatty acids, resulting in beautiful hair, skin and nails.

Amylase- Digests Sugars and starches in the body. This helps control blood sugar levels.
" hypoglycemia" , and breaks down starches into usable energy. This breakdown is essential for today's high - carbohydrate diets which include alot of hard to process junk foods. The body converts undigested carbohydrates and sugar levels into fat. By adding, Digestive Enzymes to your diet, you will effectively prevent excessive absorption of fat.

Lactase: Digests the milk sugar lactose. hundreds of thousands of people are lactose intolerant. this leads to unwanted gas and uncomfortable indigestion after eating ice cream, milk, cheese, and some yogurts. The lactase in Digestive Enzymes will help curtail these symptoms and many more.

Cellulase : the only enzyme that the body does not manufacture itself. Although you may be eating a high fiber diet, the fiber does not benefit the body unless it is broken down. Only then it can be effective in lowering cholesterol or helping reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Acidophilus: The friendly bacteria. Your body needs acidophilus to fight off infections while boosting your immune system.

How Are Enzymes Measured?

The Food Chemicals Codex ( F.C. C.) regulates enzymes and is published by the National Academy Press, funded by the Food and Drug Administration, through the Food Nutrition Board of the National Research Council. The F.C.C. is the only standard for evaluating fungal enzymes( The kind used in Nu- Zymes). Nu- Zymes is manufactured in and F. D. A and F.C. C.
approved facility.

What can I expect?

Many people suffering from stomach discomfort, like gas, bloating, heartburn, cramping, fatigue after eating a meal, cravings or upset stomach have reported improvements in these symptoms after a few meals of adding digestive enzymes to their diet.

People suffering from chronic stomach problem, like acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome or ulcers, results take longer to notice and will depend on the severity of the physical condition. Many people notice results from these conditions within 2-3 weeks of taking digestive enzymes according to the directions.

An adequate supply of enzymes in the body is essential for the body to keep youthful and healthy. According to some researchers, enzymes fight the aging process by increasing the blood supply to the skin, which delivers nutrients while carrying away waste products which can make the skin look dull and wrinkled.

People who are overweight will notice a reduction in food cravings and increased energy with weight loss.

Can I take digestive enzymes while I am on medication?

Digestive enzymes are 100% natural. It has not been shown to interact with any medications. If you are on a prescription medicine it is best for you to first consult your physician to see digestive enzymes is appropriate for you.

Can I take digestive enzymes with my vitamins?

Enzymes actually help to activate the vitamins you are taking by breaking them down into the blood for the cells to absorb the nutrition before your body eliminates them.

I want to give digestive enzymes to my kids is there an age limit?

Digestive enzymes can be given to children. Children eat the same enzyme deficient foods as adults and can benefit from enzyme supplementation. many parents have reported seeing improved physical symptoms and increase concentration in their children. However, it is best for you to first consult your physician to see if digestive enzymes are appropriate for you.

Can I take digestive enzymes if I am Nursing?

digestive enzymes do not have an negative effect on breast milk. And with your doctors permission, digestive enzyme may even be added to infant formula to help with colic.

What if I have trouble swallowing pills?

Digestive enzyme capsules can be opened and sprinkled on an adult or child's meal or added to water for a liquid supplement

Joanna Ammons © 2006

Digestive Enzymes - Why Everyone Should Take Them

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

To eat healthy foods should not be "costly"

!±8± To eat healthy foods should not be "costly"

One of the most commonly perceived barriers to feel the food is healthy, it's too expensive.

Because I feel that many times, I think very nice - people ask how to bridge the gap to help.

I always thought that can not be "expensive", otherwise it would not eat that way! Choose healthier foods as an investment and not be considered as a cost. Sure, that sounds cliche, but it is true for our family.

We have the same financial worrieshard work like the rest of Americans. We have no extra money to throw around willy-nilly! So I believe that our investments seriously. There are several things we put in the drawer until the proverbial things turn around - such as home renovations, major holidays, new clothes for mom and dad, the car that I * really *, and so on.

These are things that I can return one day. In most cases, they will always be there.

The same can not be said for our health. If not activelyCreating Health, we are active (even if passively) a departure from health.

To meet every time a decision does not decide to pure and proper nutrition, there are consequences. Consequences that accumulate over time. Whenever we have a toxic and nutritional deficiency decision, there are consequences.

The science of epigenetics has shown clearly that this type of environment, which is far from ideal to determine gene expression. There are consequences.

EveryOnce we make this choice less healthy, we have laid the groundwork for one or more of the five pillars of chronic disease: insulin resistance, chronic inflammation, the release of stress hormones, decreased sex hormone binding globulin and a reduction immunity. This would clearly lead to chronic diseases (cancer, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, depression, digestive disorders, infertility, etc.) - that's exactly how we get sick. It is not a coincidence or a family history.

If I choose not to revisit theBad for a little 'and invest in a healthy diet (and other healthy lifestyle decisions), rather, the result is that I still look 1970's bathroom! When I want to make healthy food choices, the results are unequivocal, scientifically more devastating.

I can not effectively back and repair the damage caused by not having healthy food I have chosen for our family, because my resources and the circumstances could be done at the time. This is not how to operate health and disease. There areLimitations of the matter. I do not dwell on the bad decisions of the past, mind you. I just try to make healthier choices every day ... all expenses trip ... Every restaurant outing.

I do not ever worry of "perfect" - it will never happen, and it is totally unrealistic! It's just healthier choices whenever possible, little by little.

The interesting thing is that I do not really believe that our family spends more on food than the average North AmericanFamily. I am not a side-by-side comparison shopping and dining revenues did, but I have an idea!

Yes, there are certain foods that I doubt more money, how to clean, less toxic, free-range, grass fed meat, poultry and eggs and raw milk if I can find. We buy only organic coffee. You can not be undone the effects of known carcinogens that are still used in traditional processing of coffee. These decisions are important to me - I prefer not to eat these things,at least with some regularity, when I can not in their purest forms and sufficient.

I also choose organic products whenever possible. Not always, but most of the time. Luckily, I saw the price for being organic considerably in recent years. I have the same or less organic options now being issued several times!

Here's the kicker: there are many foods that do not spend a dime on ... and coins are added.

We do not buy junk food, candy, fast food,Pop, sports drinks, energy drinks, milk, and often very traditional snack-type foods such as snack packs, cookies, chips. Very rarely can we buy to eat (a couple of times a year). We spend very, very little about the common starchy foods like potatoes, rice or pasta. We do not buy one of these crazy foods I see advertised when I see my children a disappointment "kids' show" from time to time.

I'm really not sure of all things that are out there, you could buy that many peoplespend their hard earned money. But I know that these things must surely agree. In fact, when I talk to other people their diet, I am the one who is too often think, "I could not afford to eat or drink all these things"

So I can spend more than a pound of grass fed bison, but I'm pretty sure it works in the end.

What I noticed is to do in the next few years, nutritional advice that many people are not that far off track at all meals with their core business,they do at home. There is a concerted effort to have protein and vegetables, at least. This is a fabulous start - real food!

I think it's all the "extras" that make the difference ... All the things you scarf down between meals. Not only the highly marketed snacks and healthy drinks rarely, usually are too expensive. They are expensive to book in your pocket and your health.

If we have a healthy meal (healthy proteins and fats, vegetables and stick very involvedvery thick filling), most of the time, and gradually move our snacks for healthier options, I think we would see real savings.

I like people who are willing to make changes for healthy baby steps is recommended.

To "clean up" the most important foods are meat, eggs, dairy products and cereals. In the case of milk and cereal, we'd better not consume them at all unless they are extremely clean and sufficient. In the case of fruit, for example, the most toxic of the conventionalThe decisions and therefore the most important organic, if possible, strawberries, blueberries, apples and peaches to choose.

Considering this fact, consider how to invest the cost of food, moving the important nutritional decisions. For example, what happens if you chose to stop drinking pop or coffee to take back the "designer", or start a lunch a couple of days a week to go instead of eating - with the money you have saved could easily upgrade someThe choices of proteins, or choose organic (preferably raw), milk for your children, or buy some items that are produced organic origin.

There must be more difficult than that.

What are your money on this clearly goes away from you health? Just make a small move. Stop investing in the development of chronic diseases! Choose healthier options ... and call it even!

To eat healthy foods should not be "costly"

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Reasons, you must remove the milk from the diet

!±8± Reasons, you must remove the milk from the diet

The milk is often considered a perfect food that all the proteins, fats and minerals which are needed for a healthy life includes praised. It is often recommended that drinking a pint of milk a day.

The milk is then the only food for young mammals. It seems natural that we rely on them and produce other dairy products made from milk as a food source.

But things are not so simple. Cow's milk is not a natural food for humans. For human infants, canbe harmful, if not modified, as well as baby food.

Older children can often tolerate milk, but many adults lose stomach enzymes that can digest milk. Reserve in northern latitudes, most adults, that enzyme can digest and dairy products. But in other parts of the world's adults rarely have the opportunity to do so.

As societies become more diverse, it is not uncommon for people who can not tolerate milk may encounter in their diet.

Even those of us may need to drink milkaware of health problems that are linked to the consumption of dairy products. Whole milk may help increase levels of cholesterol in the body because it contains animal fat. This is even more cheese, butter and cream, which contain a higher percentage of fat.

Skim milk may be the answer to this problem, but has brought a high consumption of dairy products with various forms of cancer. Breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer have been brought all the milk produced in collaborationFood. One Harvard study showed that if you consume too much milk, which contains the enzymes of the body may not be able to reduce the lactose, milk. These can be found in the blood and contribute to the development of cancer in organs of the body.

Milk production in the current conditions has come a long way from milk that will be available. Cows graze on the grass is not necessarily. They can be kept indoors and fed concentrates. This has different consequences for their milk.Milk from grass-fed beef is usually high in vitamin D. However, milk from cows kept indoors, it is not.

Vitamin D is essential if you want to use the calcium in bone growth and repair. We are able to drink milk in the belief that it helps prevent osteoporosis when in fact it does. Milk is not a reliable source of both vitamin D and calcium.

Milk can also be a high volume of hormones such as IGF-I. This substance was taken a number of tumor diseases.

It 'canAvoid milk and still have enough nutrients from a variety of other sources. Green leafy vegetables and whole grains are good sources of calcium. Vegetables such as carrots are a good source of vitamin D. Soy products do not contain animal fats and are often fortified with vitamin D and calcium.

Reasons, you must remove the milk from the diet

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sugar - Your Health vs Politics - Always read the label Ingredients - Part 1 of 2

!±8± Sugar - Your Health vs Politics - Always read the label Ingredients - Part 1 of 2

So you have sugar cravings and sweet, and to maintain a life pretty boring without them - we all?

Well, relax, this is not necessarily groped, tempting sweets and chocolates on the fun, but be aware of how the choice of sweetener in the product have an impact on health and the health of your children - and the show, find links to unresolved horizontal growth, it is possible - even if you eat so little.

We've all heardthat Americans consume large quantities of sugar, more than 150 pounds per person per year. A 30% increase since 1980 - as if that were not enough, a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) survey the current adjustment of the figures up to 160 pounds of sugar per year cited. This is the rough equivalent of 53 teaspoons of sugar per person per day! Well, to inflate these numbers seem to be updated, in fact, in April of 2007 the USDA grant is the average daily consumption of sugar in the United Statescurrently "only" 30 teaspoons per person per day, with no artificial sweeteners and honey. According to the statistics from year to year, the consumption of sugar has declined slightly over the past seven years, which was probably offset by the artificial sweeteners. However, even these lower numbers are staggering: each American consumes about 20% of daily food calories from refined sugar - empty calories devoid of nutritional value!

Remember: 30 teaspoons of sugarper person per day is just sugar that is declared as such to food and beverage label "ingredients". Although a more refined sugar, alcohol is a "stealth sugars", such as undeclared work. Only a small glass of wine or a beer can you add the equivalent of 2 teaspoons of sugar, whiskey, gin, vodka or similar account for 4 teaspoons of sugar! More nutrients are retained, the calories to digest.

You are not able to maintain your ideal weight?

He suffers from allergies orAsthma?

These are the symptoms arising from consumption of sugar in the above quantities for many years. So always read the label of "ingredients" of all foods and drinks before the purchase can significantly help reduce the worst effects of sweeteners that you're sick and degenerative diseases like arthritis lay their eggs, yeast, depression and digestive problems to do. You will be surprised, added sugar, to find almost all the drinks and processed foods, including salty snackslike chips, nuts and soups. You can also find inspiration and motivation to make some products and not take themselves. This is mandatory if you read the following list of functional and healthy sugar alternatives available to significantly improve the taste and consistency of meals and desserts with little work and skill required.
Your guests will be recommended for your creativity and ability and you can indulge in all the sweet, tasty and digestibleTemptations with impunity.

Are you at risk Diabesity?

Well - you're not alone: ​​the United States 10% of healthcare costs are only for "Diabesity" problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control "CDC" stats Total estimated costs of diabetes in the United States in 2002 (direct and indirect) were $ 132 billion 1.5 million new cases were in 2005 (20 years) diagnosed The rate of diabetes II in the United States has tripled in 30 years: more than 20 million have used and 1 / 3 is not evenI know there Overall prevalence of diabetes in people aged 20 years or older, United States, 2005 Age 20 years of age: 20.6 million or 9.6% Age 60 years: 10.3 million or 20.9%

An additional 54 million have pre-diabetic conditions, the so-called metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. Obesity is the driving force of diabetes: more than 90% of diabetics are overweight. But the increase in food intake was only 300 calories and then do not take account of thisPhenomenon.

How to explain this unprecedented growth in the seventies until now raging pandemic?

It should be noted that the U.S. is not alone, a similar increase has been documented in other developed countries: the UAE, one quarter of all people is in danger and the EU, the current rate is 7.5%, the same as in the U.S. and it is estimated that half of them remain undiagnosed. In Japan, 10% of 40-year-olds with diabetes II, according to statistics of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Paul Zimmer,Director of the International Diabetes Institute (IDI) in Victoria, Australia, provides that diabetes "is the largest epidemic in human history, the social security systems will be bankrupt."

There is an interesting correlation between the increase Diabesity and increased consumption of sugar substitutes, ie

HFCS (high fructose corn syrup).
In 1970, food and beverage industry discovered a cheap alternative to sugar cane and sugar beet extract, fromchemically modified corn starch from glucose to fructose. Since 1976, when the mass HFCS could be produced, the economic benefits for the industry were so convincing that the consumption of HFCS in an increase of 4,000% by 2000, while the use of sugar fell by 35% and now HFCS consumed in the West more like sugar, according to the website of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Check the label on the package of your favorite drink, and, unless the variety aspartame and sucralose,You are probably too high fructose corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup as a main component are listed for water. As soft drink giant Coca-Cola and Pepsi went from sugar HFCS in 1984 has captured the market with a drink, HFCS is in most foods and beverages, including sports and healthy foods treated omnipresent. Not only is found in cookies, candies and other sweets, but also everywhere in foods where you would expect to find less sugar: soups, hot dogs, pasta sauces, ketchup, breakfastCereals, bread rolls that cover the meatballs, and even salad dressings,

The industry wants to believe that HFCS is a natural product, but not fructose, is the stuff that is natural to bring the sweet fruits? But unlike the fruits of fructose were present with other sugars in a complex of hydro-colloidal fiber and active enzymes, the fructose in HFCS isolated a derivative of GM maize, genetically modified to be treatedEnzymes - is probably the most processed foods in general. However, Snapple - sweetened with HFCS announced on their labels: "all natural ingredients."

Why is it important? Since HFCS is addictive: the more you eat, the more you want! The consumption of large quantities of sweet fruit results in a feeling of fullness when it ceases to be the time to eat, not knowing with fructose alone. While glucose increases the release of insulin from the pancreas is not fructose. Insulin helps controlConsumption of sugar, signaling the brain to a feeling of satiety, fructose may indicate the absence of a trigger mechanism for insulin, leading to excessive caloric intake. Furthermore, it seems even easier to convert glucose into fat, fructose, because every cell in the body can metabolize glucose, while only the liver can metabolize fructose.

HFCS contains more fructose, sucrose and fructose, which is now available as fructose in fruit, because it is not linked toSucrose. In animal studies, fructose catastrophic effects, especially in growing animals do not reach adulthood, had anemia, affects the production of collagen, high cholesterol and cardiac hypertrophy (where the heart is enlarged until does not explode), by Dr. Meira Field, a USDA study conducted in rats fed fructose. "Because the effects of fructose are most severe in the organism growing, we need to think carefully about what kind of sweeteners we give to our children." Of course, theFood industry contends that the results in rats do not replicate in humans, but if you do not want the opposite to prove yourself, you risk not easy. Originally, the fructose HFCS just over 50%, but recently manufacturers have introduced syrup containing 90% or more fructose, but do not know from reading the label of foods. So products with HFCs should be avoided and certainly not given to children.

As expected, the drinkAre industry and Archer Daniels Midland Company HFCS producers of oligopoly performed consistently rejected any link between HFCS and obesity and the FDA assumes, HFCS as safe and necessary studies. But then the suspects themselves are able to support the Declaration of GM food consumers that GM food is the same as conventional farming takes place. So the producer is not on the organization and to disclose pre-market safety studies. It is noteworthy, however, that HFCSfree baby food. Will the food industry, consumer demand in the cave-activists to replace HFCS? Probably not, unless you find a cheaper alternative. Instead, they expect to be fooled by fancy terms such as "modified corn starch" and the like? We recently have these cover-up tactics with MSG, which turned into "natural flavor" to see.

In July 2007, The Journal of Clinical Nutrition "clinical trial", published at the conclusion: "There was no evidence that commercial colaBeverages sweetened with sucrose or HFCS have significantly different effects on hunger, satiety, or short-term energy supply, "said emergency, the American Beverage Association that their industry is not for the obesity epidemic in America because interesting detail: .. "study" was funded by the Beverage Corn Refiners Association and included only 37 subjects.

HFS (high fructose corn syrup)
on some food labels are mostly found in Asian foodand beverages. HFS was originally developed in Japan, where corn is grown and is now developed from cassava in Thailand and China from starch. But the process is the same, and so is the function of the product.

Engineering functional sweeteners and multi-functional

A group of non-sugar carbohydrates, manufactured, reduced-calorie, sugar-free sweeteners is now gaining ground in the world of differentiated food producers and find their way into the memoryShelves. You can never have the concept of polyols on the ingredients labels, even if multiple groups present, but if a brand "sugar alcohols" he says - Polyols are used when a label reads "sugar free" to see the list and quantities of polyols. Polyols or sugar alcohols are neither sugar nor alcohol. On the contrary, they are a group of low-digestible carbohydrates. These sweeteners taste like sugar, but have different application-specific advantages, including its suitabilityDiabetics. Polyols are low-digestible carbohydrates that are only partially digested in the intestine. In the lower part of the digestive tract is not absorbed is metabolized by intestinal bacteria. Polyols are resistant to increased metabolism of bacteria in the oral cavity and the acidity in the mouth after swallowing. This means that lead to cavities or erode tooth enamel. The FDA "does not promote tooth decay" health claim for use in the labeling approved without sugarFoods containing polyols. So, when polyols are so great, why are only sparingly? Well, you guessed it: the cost! It can bring awareness and consumer demand due to the low price, it's just a matter of time. The market for polyols in the U.S. is emerging phase, with a turnover of $ 517 million in 2005, according to Frost & Sullivan, San Antonio, TX

was only produced commercially since 1990 and food and beverages to provide sweetness, as well asto improve the taste and texture. In Japan, erythritol as a food additive was approved in 1990 and has received GRAS (generally recognized as safe) state from the FDA in 2001, but also in the EU. Erythritol is a white crystalline powder that is odorless, clean sweet tastes similar to sucrose. It is about 70% as sweet as sucrose and flows easily because of its non-hygroscopic character. Like other polyols, erythritol does not promote tooth decay and is safe for people withDiabetes. However, erythritol is different caloric value of 0.2 calories per gram and high digestive tolerance of other polyols. It has about 7 to 13% of the calories of other polyols and 5% of the calories of sucrose. Because erythritol is rapidly absorbed in the small intestine and rapidly from the body within 24 hours will be eliminated laxative side effects sometimes associated with excessive polyol consumption are unlikely when consuming erythritol with food.

HSH(Hydrogenated starch hydrolysates)
including hydrogenated glucose syrup, maltitol syrup and sorbitol syrup, a family of products can be found in a variety of foods. HSH are produced by the partial hydrolysis of corn starch, wheat or potatoes and subsequent hydrogenation of the hydrolysis at high temperature under pressure. While some products of the SAS group in many countries, including the EU and Japan have been approved GRAS status is still in progress, but with the ADM as the main sponsorProponents expect HSH to appear on many ingredients labels rather soon.

known since 1960, is from sucrose (table sugar) and made it looks and feels like sugar. Isomalt enhances flavor transfer in foods. It dissolves slowly in the mouth so that candies with isomalt have a longer lasting flavor. Its sensory properties make it an excellent ingredient isomalt sweets, candies, chewing gum, chocolate, bakery products, nutritional supplements, cough drops and throatLozenges. In Europe, Isomalt has been used since 1980 and is currently in a variety of products in the United States, where it still awaits GRAS status of use - once obtained, isomalt destined to become a household word. Isomalt takes very little water. Therefore, products made with it tend not sticky. Since the products do not absorb moisture, have a longer duration. Isomalt does not promote tooth decay, has a very low blood sugar (low glycemic response), has an effectas dietary fiber in the gut and has only half the caloric value of sucrose.

has been known since 1920 but only in foods for 25 years. It is a disaccharide polyol (sugar alcohol), derived from lactose, looks like sugar and tastes like sugar but has only 40% of the sweetness. Therefore, you should not expect to find only lactitol as a sweetener on a food label, food is often in combination with chemical sweeteners Aspartame, sucralose, etc. It is used as a sugarSubstitution because it has better solubility and handling during processing, cuts costs and extended the shelf life. Lactitol was in a clinical study showed that the increased frequency of bowel movements in humans older.

by the hydrogenation of maltose, whose raw material is corn starch, is converted to sugar by malting process done. The starch can be made from wheat, rice, barley or other grains, and is very similar in taste to table sugar, with only 90% of the sweetnessand about half the calories. Maltose has been known and used in China since the second century BC. Maltitol is approved in the EU since 1985 and many other countries and is awaiting GRAS status in the United States. The sweetener is found mainly in sugar-free chocolate products. Maltitol has a prebiotic effect and some people uncomfortable bloating, high levels when compared to maltitol most widely used in soft drinks.

Mannitol (E421)
is present in abundance in nature,Particularly in exudates from trees, and in marine algae and fresh mushrooms. It is an isomer of sorbitol and is industrially produced by the hydrogenation of specialty glucose syrups. Mannitol is a polyol mainly known for its properties, lack of moisture. This makes it particularly suitable as powder for chewing gum to prevent gum from sticking to the production and packaging. Flavored ice cream with chocolate coatings and confectionery industry is a favoritebecause of its high melting point and pleasant taste with only 40% of calories from sugar. Mannitol is a polyol that comes with the legal disclaimer to limit the daily intake of low digestible carbohydrates. This means that excessive consumption may cause a laxative effect, for two reasons. First, because the sugar alcohols are not absorbed completely, keep a lot of water in the intestine. This leads to diarrhea. Another consequence is that when undigested carbohydrates reach theTwo points have a prebiotic effect - resulting in unpleasant gas and bloating.

Sorbitol (E420)
occurs naturally in many fruits and berries. In its form of industrial production of hydrogenated glucose was found in processed foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics for 50 years. His specialty is the function of moisture stabilizer in baked goods, confectionery and chocolate - read: longer life! Sorbitol is about 60% as sweet as sugar and 60% of itsCalories. Sorbitol is used with the same regulatory warnings mannitol.

Xylitol (E967)
occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables and is also produced in the human body during metabolism. The polyol, which has been known for over 100 years and produced commercially from trees as sweetener for nearly 50 years. And 'as sweet as table sugar with 30% fewer calories and a pleasant taste. Xilitols increase is due to its ability to reduce tooth decay. It 'widelyused in products for dental and oral health, but also in the fields of pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements for children. While all the polyols are not taken into account by the bacteria in the mouth, and therefore do not cause tooth decay, xylitol actually inhibits bacteria in the oral cavity and is often used in sugar-free candies and chewing gums for this reason.

Dextrose and Polydextrose
Similarities with polyols, such as their sweet taste and their ability to act as sugar substitutes (70% of the sweetness of sugar), butending in-ose suggests, these sugars. Dextrose is a synthetic monosaccharide derived from corn starch and glucose is about 95%. And 'as a vector of water-soluble drugs have demonstrated, but recent studies, dextrose to a recall performance of athletes can be overcome and ribose (commonly used as a body builder supplement). Dextrose contains no fructose or lactose and dietary supplements is a cost-effective. Polydextrose is synthesized from dextrose, sorbitol and 'was added withand citric acid and can replace sugar and fat and is often interpreted as a filler in products for weight or blood sugar. Can appear on food labels as E1200. Polydextrose acts in the body like fibers with no laxative effect. He has only 25% of calories from sugar. You can find it in Lindt and other chocolates.

Functionally oriented sweeteners are much sweeter than aspartame, chemicals, and less like sucralose, which is cheaper andso easily accepted by consumers looking for low cost products. But polyols are multifunctional, acting as thickeners and stabilizers in addition to low-or no-calorie sugar substitute. They can also be used in products to improve some body functions, to distinguish a product specifically for use in environmental and food destination.

The scam of "Eat all the candy you want with impunity"

Everyone has heard that

Aspartame (E951)NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful -
is not good for health because it tastes good and there is little sacrifice involved, but do not expect Monsanto to retire anytime soon! Although there watching challenger, very high growth rates

Sucralose (E955) Splenda -
which is much more dangerous, because his support is so misleading: "healthy and natural", so that the health gurus like Dr. Andrew Weil to advise and support the product. However, sucralose is a chemical, verydiffers from sugar, 600 times sweeter and far from a natural product. Google finds over 50,000 pages under "sucralose side effects," and many of the relationships that you do for protection. What is frightening is the fact that Splenda is in many so-called healthy foods, health and weight loss is found and comes to you recommended by their doctors. You can find more odd terms on food labels for sugar substitutes, such as

Acesulfame potassium (E950) or ACE-K SunNet, Sweet-One -
often in combination with other sweeteners in more than 5,000 foods and beverages. E '200 times sweeter than sugar and contains no calories. Ace-K will be worse than aspartame and sucralose toxicity and has been quoted in animal studies to be carcinogenic. It 'has also been shown that attack the thyroid gland in animals. When these ingredients for food, stay away from this product to read, but these may be difficult, mixed into chewing gum, tea and instant coffee to look findGelatin desserts and non-dairy cream. Then there

Neotame, NutraSweet -
Aspartame is a synthetic version of 8000-13000 times sweeter than sugar and therefore attractive to producers of foods, such as its use greatly reduces production costs compared to using natural sugars. The main reason for their existence is the fact that the patent has expired and the manufacturer of aspartame - Monsanto - has wanted the new patent protections. The FDA approved in 2002 as NutraSweet productsStandard security is devastating!. The site summarizes 39 aspartame toxicity symptoms / syndromes' aspartame including death, caused, it is well documented that aspartame changes to DNA and the medical literature is replete with evidence of value, it is worth noting however, that the FDA "without problems after reviewing 113 studies "- all funded by industry, while all the independently-funded studies - about 100 -. found serious problems, the second Ramazzini Cancer Research InstituteStudy published in June 2007 confirmed previous findings that aspartame causes cancer in rats. But FDA spokesman Michael Herndon said (in an e-mail to Reuters News Agency, Health and Science Editor (June 25, 2007), the agency is not the study was reviewed, but immediately added that previous studies The FDA has tested adequately for the Agency have been and there was no need for action to not underestimate the lobbying industry, the American Medical Association have made the ..American Diabetes Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition to make positive statements in support of aspartame. But
Ralph G. Walton, MD, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine report, "The alarming increase in obesity, diabetes type II, and a variety of behavioral disorders in our children, of course, because it is attributable to several factors, but I am convinced that a powerful force in accentuating theseProblems is the increasing use of aspartame. "
Dr. HJ Roberts, BMZ, FCCP, in his "Warning School Children at risk" card-induced "noise aspartame in children include headache, confusion, convulsions, irritability, depression, mental disorders, antisocial behavior, rashes, asthma and unstable diabetes . addiction to aspartame products has also become a problem. "

Saccharin (E954)
is an artificial sweetener 300 times sweeter than sugar. Because ofWater solubility of the sodium salt is used more often. Saccharin is resistant to high temperatures and cooking, and support. Saccharin caused bladder cancer at high doses has been calculated, it can not be confirmed. In the small amount of saccharin is considered safe. In some recipes to replace sugar industry just cost savings. Increased concentration of 5% and 8% sugar substitution = maximum of 0.02% saccharin in foods is currently a metallic taste.
All artificial sweeteners to reduce theirSweetness, if a certain dose is exceeded. The combination of two sweeteners such as saccharin / acesulfame K and saccharin / cyclamate or cyclamate / aspartame increases the sweetness. In kitchens and in the industrial production of saccharin / cyclamate in a ratio of 1 to 10 is used so often.

Cyclamate (E952)
Artificial non-caloric sweetener widely used in Europe and 55 in other countries for soft drinks. The chemical name is sodium or calcium cyclohexylsulfamate.Cyclamate is about 1 / 10 sweetest saccharin and 30 times more sugar. It does not taste fake in high concentrations. Cyclamate is heat resistant and is used in cooking and oven. Cyclamate is not digested by most people. Cyclamate is often combined with other sweeteners to enhance one another, so that the final taste is sweeter than the sum of individual sweeteners used. 5 mg to 50 mg of saccharin, cyclamate are equivalent to 125 mg and 12.5 mg of saccharin, cyclamate. Cyclamatein combination with aspartame, sucralose and acesulfame K.
Cyclamate was in the United States in 1970 developed from the results of tests on mice, bladder cancer with high doses of saccharin cyclamate banned next. A recent petition for approval of cyclamate is again before the FDA.

Expect soon many other products with much higher levels of artificial sweeteners on the shelves and restaurants in the July 9, 2007:

"The International Alliance ofAssociations dietary supplement / food (IADs) claimed a victory in securing higher levels for nine additives used in food supplements in the draft risk analysis in Codex standards for safety. "And that these food additives? Acesulfame Potassium (2,000 mg / kg), aspartame (5,500 mg / kg), cyclamate (1,250 mg / kg), neotame (90 mg / kg), saccharin (1,200 mg / kg ) and sucralose. (2,400 mg / kg) Head IADS has announced that an excellent result of their lobbying efforts: "The adoption of thisAdditives will help to ensure free trade in food supplements in the world and to encourage countries to legislation not in conformity with those of Codex standards. "The change is one more reason to read all labels very carefully in the future, industry will not be competing with your health, but also for the highest profit margins!

So your synthetic sugar substitutes are not losing weight?

Back to basics, why do we use artificial sweeteners in the first place - is notreduce and control weight? Well, if you are a consumer of artificial sweeteners, you need to know that aspartame is absorbed from the gut and goes straight to the liver. The liver then metabolized aspartame to its toxic components-phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol. This process requires much energy from the liver to make less available energy for fat burning and metabolism of fat and save the result of high levels of sugar in the blood. The excess fat can be found within theLiver cells causing "fatty liver" and when this starts to happen, it is extremely difficult to lose weight. If you overload the liver increases the tendency to gain weight easily.
There are other reasons why you might gain weight from artificial sweeteners: sugar levels can cause instability in the blood, which increases the appetite and triggers sweet cravings. So it is particularly toxic for people with diabetes. Takes the place of fluid retention in the body a puffy and bloated appearance,in order to look older and fatter than they are.

To avoid the risks associated with HFCs and the synthetic, non-caloric sweeteners, we should use the associated conventional sugar - is not it?

Well - read on - in Part 2 of this 2 part series!

Sugar - Your Health vs Politics - Always read the label Ingredients - Part 1 of 2

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

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If your baby frequently spits up, you can trust Similac Sensitive for Spit-Up to provide the nutrition and help he needs.

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Be My Baby might lactose intolerant?

!±8± Be My Baby might lactose intolerant?

If you suspect that your child is lactose intolerance, you should see your pediatrician to go for advice on how to properly care for your child to us. Lactose is present in all dairy products, is the sugar in cow's milk for one. Lactose intolerance means simply that the body is not capable enough to lactose, which is used to produce the body digest milk sugar in dairy products consumed. Lactose, which is not digested in the intestine and causes gastrointestinal problems. Some children may exceedhis maturity as a digestive and other systems.

Children are born prematurely tend to be intolerant as their digestive systems are not fully developed, or developed as a term newborn. However, each child may be sensitive to lactose. Signs of intolerance include diarrhea more often than normal and are yelled, it seems that the stomach pains. Some children may also vomit. Breastfed babies are just as likely as sensitive to infants fed bottles of milk sugar. Symptoms usuallybegins within one hour after consumption of milk. The severity of lactose intolerance varies from child to child.

Because young children have no other way to show pain, usually crying, crying, grimacing and restless if they have symptoms. Once other causes are dismissed for the crying, you should consider if the child last fed, and the possibility of lactose intolerance children. Children may also be restless in his sleep he wakes up in bed, or have difficultyasleep.

Searching for alternatives to products to keep baby with lactose major symptoms. If breast-feeding may be necessary to cut dairy from the diet, should be given a bottle-fed formula without lactose. Children who do not eat dairy products should be given. After a child is older, you can take into consideration because even if the dairy lactose intolerance of the child is grown.

Be My Baby might lactose intolerant?

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